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Smell after new roof installation: Banishing Post-Installation Odors

February 21, 2024 2:50 pm | Blog | 0 comments

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Are you ready to upgrade your living space? Whether tackling a new roof installation, getting a fresh furnace, or installing new windows, there’s more to consider than aesthetics.

Let’s dive into the world of post-installation odours and learn how to make your home smell better. Buckle up – it’s time for a home transformation!

The Nose Knows: After a New Roof Installation

Imagine you’ve just invested in a new roof to protect your castle. But wait – what’s that smell? It’s common to experience a peculiar scent after a new roof installation.

This usually comes from the roofing materials and the adhesives and sealants used.

Asphalt Shingles

These are the superstar roofing materials but can sometimes emit a strong odour, often compared to “roofing tar” or “chemical-like.” Don’t worry; it’ll fade away.

Adhesives and Sealants

Often involved in roofing projects, they release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during curing, contributing to those odd odours.

So, What Can You Do About the Smell?


Open windows and doors to let the fresh Breeze work magic.

Air Purifiers

Invest in air purifiers with activated carbon filters – they’re like odour ninjas.


The good news? That smell will vanish within days to weeks as materials cure and off-gas.

5 Tips to Turn Your Home into a Fragrance Paradise

Now that we’ve tackled the post-installation odours let’s spruce things up and make your home smell amazing!

1. Cleaning Crusade

Regular cleaning is your secret weapon. Dust, dirt, and lingering food odours are your scent foes. Get that mop ready, and dust off your superhero cape!

Make a schedule and stick to it. Vacuum carpets, mop floors, wipe down surfaces, and wash linens regularly to maintain a clean environment. Mr. Roofer and other experts agree that a clean home is a happy one.

2. Let the Breeze In

Proper ventilation is your ace in the hole. Open those windows to kick out the stale and invite the fresh air party.

After cooking, cleaning, or when your home feels stuffy, open the windows and let the outside air circulate. Proper ventilation improves indoor air quality and keeps your home smelling fresh.

3. Nature’s Scented Oils

Ditch those chemical air fresheners and go natural. Your new best friends are your essential oil diffusers, potpourri made from dried flowers and herbs, or simmering citrus slices and spices.

Essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, and citrus can add pleasant scents and offer potential aromatherapy benefits. They’re a win-win for both your nose and your well-being.

4. Greener Indoors

Houseplants aren’t just pretty; they’re air-purifying champs. Lavender, jasmine, or eucalyptus – pick your green warrior.

Certain houseplants like aloe vera, snake plants, and peace lilies enhance your decor and help purify the air by absorbing indoor pollutants. They add a pleasant natural scent while promoting a healthier environment.

5. Trash Bin TLC

Trash bins are often the odour culprit. Keep them clean, use liners, and sprinkle some baking soda at the bottom to absorb those unwanted smells.

Regularly clean and disinfect your trash cans, use trash liners to prevent spills and leaks, and sprinkle baking soda at the bottom of the trash can to absorb odours. Empty the trash regularly to avoid allowing garbage to sit and produce unpleasant smells.


We’ve explored how to combat post-installation odours in our quest for a better home. From new roofs to fresh furnaces and windows, these scents are temporary inconveniences compared to the long-term benefits of these upgrades.

You can transform your home into a fragrant paradise by utilizing ventilation, air purifiers, natural scents, houseplants, and proper trash management. And while we navigated this journey without him, it’s crucial to mention our reliable companion, Mr. Roofer, whose expertise and commitment to quality can enhance your living space.

Embrace the journey of home improvement and enjoy a fresh, inviting sanctuary.

Can houseplants improve indoor air quality and eliminate odours?

Yes, certain houseplants like snake plants, peace lilies, and aloe vera can help purify indoor air by absorbing pollutants, contributing to a fresher living space.

Are there eco-friendly ways to make my home smell better?

Yes, eco-friendly options include using natural scents like essential oils and potpourri and keeping houseplants that naturally purify the air.

What is the importance of good ventilation in maintaining a fresh-smelling home?

Proper ventilation helps remove stagnant air and odours, replacing them with fresh outdoor air. It’s crucial for maintaining indoor air quality and a pleasant living environment.

Can Mr Roofer help with addressing post-roof installation odours?

Mr Roofer specializes in roofing installations and can advise on managing odours. While we may not directly address the odours, his expertise ensures a well-installed roof, reducing the chances of issues.

Are post-installation odors harmful to my health?

In most cases, post-installation odours are not harmful to health but can be unpleasant. Adequate ventilation and time will typically resolve the issue.

How can I maintain a fresh-smelling home daily?

Maintain a clean home through regular cleaning routines, ensure proper ventilation, use natural scents like essential oils, incorporate houseplants, and manage trash bins with care.

What causes odours after window installation, and how can I address them?

Odors after window installation are typically due to sealants and adhesives. Improve ventilation in the affected area, inquire about curing times with your installer, and be patient as the smell dissipates.

How can I eliminate the smell after a new furnace installation?

To eliminate furnace odours, run the system on a high setting, replace filters regularly, and assure proper ventilation by opening windows and doors.

Why does my home have strange odours after a new roof installation?

Post-roof installation odours are common and often result from the materials used, such as asphalt shingles, adhesives, and sealants. These odours will dissipate over time.


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